The gymOS Podcast from PushPress

Logan Gelbrich, Owner of DEUCE Gym

Logan Gelbrich Season 1 Episode 9

Logan Gelbrich is the Owner of DEUCE Gym, but that's just one side of him. He's also an author, a coach, an entrepreneur, and the creator behind the Hold the Standard Summit.

This episode is packed full of great insights from Logan. He dives into learning concepts, growth through negative feedback, leadership capacity, and, most importantly, neck tattoos.

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spk_0:   0:00
therefore deuce tattoos floating around the world. Right now, Um, Juan has a tattoo on his forearm. Lacey has a tattoo on her tricep. And then we got a guy in Louisiana with one on his chest and then another dude in Texas with one on his foot. But that's just sort of like a random thing that's happened. But the metaphorical saluting the flag neck tattoo thing is a joke that I say that comes from our rite of passage in Coach's prep. It's just impossible that someone would go through that process and be sort of condom may be committed to this thing, and that is an advantage that we benefit from every minute of every day.

spk_1:   0:45
Welcome to the Gym OS podcast. Helping fitness professionals become Better Business owners. One episode at a time. Today on the Push Press podcast. I've got Logan Gil break here. For those of you who don't know Logan Gilbert, I strongly suggest you find him. Pay attention to him. This dude, it's so smart. He is in the gym space. He actually owns a gym 10 minutes away from me here in Los Angeles, which is about an hour and 1/2 drive called Deuce Athletics. And for the longest time, he's been, um, preaching a lot of high standard activities on by High standard, I guess. I mean, with an expanded mindset, this episode is pretty philosophy. Clea deep. Um, so you're gonna you're gonna wanna pay attention Here, go on a long run or sit in a quiet room and listen to this because the concepts here that are being broken down our are on another level and I mean that not only they're not tactical things for safer for you to do there for lost full things. They're like they talk more to how the human human beings work and how we respond. And the motivation factors behind things that we do and and why that affects your gym. So if that doesn't sound like your cup of tea, probably skip to the next one. If you think you're on that level and you want to, like, really get in deep on why humans behave, how they do and how to make your coaches higher performing coaches and how to make yourself a higher performing leader. This is the episode for you. But I guarantee you probably wanna listen to it two or three times. So with that kind of elite in I'm gonna let this episode unfold. All right? And we're on. So, um, I got Logan. Is it Gell Brick?

spk_0:   2:50
You nailed it. I

spk_1:   2:51
nailed it. I was I took a risk. A risk? I got it. I got Logan Go brick here. Um, he's actually a local gym owner. Mind. So he came down. Had lunch with me today is pretty pretty cool experience having lunch already. Talked a lot, um, about stuff. And we got things teed up here to talk about. But for those of you don't know Logan, he owns you. Normal until I tell you himself about his background.

spk_0:   3:13
Yeah, Jim wise. Oh Na brand called Deuce. We have three Jim's here in Ah, l a area. And, um, a lot of my work is outside of the gym coaching principles, many of which will probably talk about here, have a seminar called Hold the Standard Summit and do a lot of online education surrounding entrepreneurship and coaching.

spk_1:   3:37
Yeah. So the cool thing with with Logan is here, here in l. A. And I would wager I would wager I feel like you're a name brand across the world. Um, I don't know. That's my proximity to you or not. But I ran across the gym under the other day and I was talking about you, and they didn't know who you were. And I was like, What the fuck? Like it was shocking to me. Um, so, yeah, Logan, at least in my spears, is a major influence. Um, the conversation we had over lunch was I feel like, mentally I'm gonna be a challenge to keep up with you. Smart fucking dude, man. And, um, yeah, we're gonna dive into some good stuff here. So Logan Logan is the author of a book called Going Right, which, um, actually probably isn't the best book for gym owners to read, right? Um, but it could be key for gym owners to understand their clients. Do you want to unpack that a little bit and maybe explain the gym owners why reading this might help them understand their own clients.

spk_0:   4:30
Yeah, it's an observation of human behavior. The book is a decision making book. You know, the best way to sort of sum it up. Elevator pitch style is in that that subtitle, which is it's a logical justification for pursuing your dreams. If the word dreams maybe roll your eyes, we can just say your peak expression. And so I just found, you know, I was a team sport guy, got out of baseball and just realize that most adults were just not only just mailing it in, uh, they were doing a lot of justifying and explaining as to why they should be living this sort of sub optimal expression. And so the book goes through basically this sort of like principles or amenities of people who go on these types pursuits. Many entrepreneurs know what I'm talking about that make those pursuits, in my opinion, the most reasonable, most logical type of decision you can make. And, ah, you know, if you're already on that path, um, you know, I think the book will help anybody, but, you know, if you're entrepreneur, you're probably dealing with a lot of people who have these these justifications in their head as to why they ought to seek perceived safety and perceived comfort and perceive certainty. And if you understand that, I think you can speak to what that's about,

spk_1:   5:55
Yeah, And that's, I think, one of the keys to going to market with whatever you're going to market with fur for the gym owner, that would be your gym service is coaching fitness facility, whatever, but nor to go to market and speak to the pain points of the people that are there. You have to understand, like where they're coming from, right? And that's to me. It's more important to these books than self motivation book. Unless you find yourself unmotivated.

spk_0:   6:18
Well, it's funny you use that word motivation. It's sort of like one of my favorite lines in the book. No pressure. But, you know, I think I'm being verbatim when I say it's Ah, motivation can mobilize us but rarely sustains us. And so someone joins a gym on a whim.

spk_1:   6:38

spk_0:   6:39
is pretty fragile. Way Thio to enroll in an endeavor that we know is ah, like a lifelong practice, a decade long practice. And so how do you create the structures that set people up for success in an environment that is largely set up for failure? And I think in our world, call it, you know, micro Jim, service oriented business, especially when you're selling something that's particularly difficult you got You have to know what what it is that you're enrolling people in in order to have a chance in hell to be successful.

spk_1:   7:15
Yes, what you're just talking about. I'm gonna I'm gonna hopefully remember to talk about in a few minutes that we're selling something difficult because I feel like our audience is probably looking at that and going. It's so easy. Like selling fitness is everyone needs it, right? This is this is the thing. So but we're gonna get back to that because I actually wanted to dive into, um, another thing that just came into my mind when you're talking was, um, like, a kind of I kind of mentioned when we first started at this book that you wrote was about understanding your potential clients. But as you were talking, I also realized it might help you be a better leader in your gym for your coaches and your staff. Um, 100% because I feel like one of the bigger problems with running a business. Especially like my experience Now push presses. I'm here to facilitate my staff to become better, better, better employees, better workers Thio unlock their productivity. And now that I'm reflecting back on Jim ownership, I don't know if a lot of Jim ownerships air focused on their coaches as much as they're focused on maybe even their clients or their business itself.

spk_0:   8:16
Yeah, 100%. And we were just kind of off air talking about a lot of the fragile tendencies of these types of businesses, where, you know, almost no one is doing a great job building teams. Almost no one is doing a great job professionalizing the role of coach or employee year or whatever the case may be. And so the book is a very universal conversation. The conversation we're having right now is so much so embodied in that, but just in a more specific way and a lot of the work that I'm doing, I would say the most important work I'm doing now is not just in my own businesses, but teaching other businesses. What is largely in academia called, you know, building deliberately developmental organizations, meaning that for the sake of simplicity, you're in the business of whatever it is that you sell and you're in the business of developing people of almost equal, I would say of equal importance. And so, in our specific example, we slang fitness. So how we make money? We also put as many eggs in the basket of development of leadership inside of our organization. And, you know, I'm not just giving lip service when I say I would have that orientation 1000 times out of 1000 if I had the choice. And it's specifically the difference maker for for us,

spk_1:   9:52
right? So, like I said, um, at least in my spheres there, a lot of your stuff comes across my time lines across my feeds, And I never knew the inner workings of your mind until today at lunch, and now I've unlocked a lot. A lot of it makes sense like that. I've had that six cents moment where you can come back and, yeah, see some of the way you propped up your coaches or you've done things and and it makes more sense. But we've actually just inadvertently dove into the probably the biggest topic that I want. I want you to talk about and that you're probably here to talk about, and that's this concept of tactical learning versus adaptive learning right, which is gonna feel like there's a lot of conceptual stuff here, so you bear with it and then we'll trying to pack it into, like, real world stuff for

spk_0:   10:38
the right, Yeah, I think I can kind of bring this two to the audience and assistant way. Um, just to be clear, there's two types of problems and therefore two types of leadership if we're gonna oversimplify and technical problems are these problems with known answers? Right? The Internet goes down. You got to call an expert to turn the Internet back on, right? Uh, someone has a fault in there. Their hand clean way. Have some technical expertise that can solve this. Now I don't want to selling someone who is downplaying the importance of technical problems because they can be life threatening our business threatening type challenges. All I'm saying is that there are known answers. There's an expert out there, a PhD. There's a subject matter expert. There's a person to hire to solve these problems, and they're critical. Ah, however a big mistake that human beings make is we believe that all problems are technical and it's now 2020 and we are in the heart of the information age. There are very few, if any, secrets left yet. We're running around with the mentality that I am one seminar away from solving my problems. I am one external service provider, you know, marketing guru away from being a successful business. Meanwhile, maybe subconsciously ignoring this adaptive thing. And here's the tricky thing about adaptive challenges. Is there no known answers to this meaning and stay with me on this, meaning the person or the thing with the adaptive challenge would need to evolve into a bigger, more capable person or thing to solve them? Okay. And so if people are listening to that, like what the hell I understand when my routers down technical got it. What's an adaptive one? There are countless leaders listening to this right now who have major business life limiting challenges like, uh, follow through or dealing with conflict Or, um, uh, you know, procrastination, uh, as a major hurdle in their life. Now, you know, you have me on the podcast for a reason. I know that I can't say over the airwaves. Hey, guess what, Johnny Procrastinator.

spk_1:   13:20
Stop doing that.

spk_0:   13:21
Stop it! Right and then, Oh, here's appear, you know, 500 pages of peer reviewed studies showing that if you don't procrastinate, you'll just be better off than if you do procrastinate. This is not the problem. And so what I know and what few courageous organizations know is that you can build cultures that drive and address this type of adaptation. And that's what I'm specifically interested in,

spk_1:   13:50
right? So I mean, speaking directly to maybe a pain point that a gym owners customer would have. Now, let's talk about, like diet, right? Everyone knows you eat clean, probably live longer. You're probably gonna have health benefits, etcetera. I mean, the customers all know that, but but they're all gonna go home and eat a double triple cheeseburger whenever they want. So this is more about implementing systems that dr that adaptation where they're doing it less or there maybe not doing it at all.

spk_0:   14:20
Yeah, so And to be clear, you can you can have only a certain level of impact as you get further and further away from the center of the organization. So the most gnarly, aggressive, adaptive changes gonna happen in environments where you can do things that you can't with other people. And so just to use an example, um, you know, the special forces in a military organization can operate in ways that, let's say, newly enlisted folks can and we can talk about how to cultivate what we know about those teams. Um, but what I'm saying is to drive adaptive change in your customers is a little bit more difficult than it is in your leadership or your staff. Now doesn't matter. I can answer your question by speaking to the the issue at stake. And we largely cannot make these types of adaptations because of assumptions and blind spots. And so we're looking to put people in environments that change how much perspective we have and we can see. And so, essentially the simplest way to put this is we change between the ears when we see Diskant firming information, something that challenges our belief, right. So, like Dan, if I just somehow had a list of papers that had everything that you believe to be true written on them, and I just sort of read that information back to you, you would be in that chair at the end of this weird exercise the same exact person. But if I could show you something that that proved to you that you could not un see the challenge, your beliefs, then you'd have an opportunity to change. And everyone who's listening to this everyone I've ever met is highly interested in being different, more capable, better. And here's the irony. Ah, we're all thirsty for confirming information. We want to be reinforced is being right. We re tweet the articles that prove our position right, et cetera, et cetera. Yet it is the confronting discomfort Ming environments that DR are our evolution and and you can you can look back in your life at all those moments when you had this sort of, like change where you grew in terms of your capacity, and it wasn't by receiving some sort of feedback that you already had. And so what we're doing is we're stealing this mechanism and designing teams and companies and systems that embrace the sort of ingredients we need for for adaptive change.

spk_1:   17:16
I got it. So from your perspective, is there a recipe than like, let's say, as you mentioned, it's harder for me to drive adaptive change from people that as the further away they get from my sphere of influence. And if I'm enlightened enough to understand this technology, let's call the technology. Is their framework for doing that? Can I Can I go to my co founder right now and and, um, deploy some of this stuff

spk_0:   17:41
100%? Yeah, So our model for culture is is not like airy fairy woo magic. It's Ah, Israel. And it's ah, it's a specific model that could be repeated and And you can look to the best teams in the world and see all the elements that I'm about to describe. Teams that operate at the highest level, specifically that Dr Adaptation that we're talking about have unique levels of trust and willingness. So the first thing that we do that's cornerstone to our culture is a rite of passage. So we don't hire people from the outside. They have to go through this rite of passage. High level military teams have this high level sports teams start ups, et cetera. The harder it is to get on the team, generally, the better team that it is, and so rite of passage. Generally, it is difficult and transformative for us. It's called the coaches Prep, right? And so whether you've been coaching for 10 years and you're, you know, national level athlete or coach or whatever, you have to go through this process and it's gonna take a little longer than you want. It's gonna be mentally and or physically arduous, et cetera, et cetera. Now what happens is on the other end of that, you can look across the room at someone who's gone through this process with increased levels of trust, and they have increased levels of willingness in the system. And the reason why those two things are critical. Sze, because example he's a lot is like, uh, like therapy, right? Like is a hard ass transformative process if you go in there with this trust and willingness of the thing. If not, it is just a expensive our right. And so, um, the reason why these two ingredients are paramount and high performing teams and cultures is because it takes trust and willingness to exchange the information, the feedback that drives adaptations. So we're obsessed with negative feedback, essentially

spk_1:   19:44
right? Yeah. I mean, basically what you said earlier was in order to adapt you have to be ableto you have to be able to confront to something you think is true and let that change you. And if you don't trust somebody or you're not willing to 200% and then it's

spk_0:   19:58
not worth it, yeah, to me, to tell you what I really think you need to improve. Then I won't tell you

spk_1:   20:04
right? And if I'm not willing to listen, then it doesn't matter. 100%. Yep. Okay. Are there any more steps to that?

spk_0:   20:10
So basically it's it's we call it this culture of truth. The best information is the truth. That seems obvious. But what's ironic about that is most organizations quote unquote truth is slanted towards positive feedback. It's just way easier for me to be like a oh great job or say nothing than to give the feedback that we need. And so it's with this information that we can make the best decisions and involve an interim and and for us, what we're trying to do is build a culture of leaders and, you know, if we define leadership in our culture as being responsible for the results that you don't need to be of a certain age. You don't need to have a certain title. You need to be accountable to the results. Also, leadership is effective when it drives evolution towards this, um peak self and so essentially culture, then is doing the job of leadership in a collective sense. And so we use this rite of passage and then continuing development through feedback to get ah, an organization where everybody is operating in leadership and I view leadership as ah has a capacity. It's kind of like if you can dead lift £600 then you can dead lift £600 or 95 if you can dead lift £600. You cannot. So everyone can be a follower. You have to opt into leadership,

spk_1:   21:44
right? Gotcha. And so I'm gonna keep driving door towards this direction because, I mean, this would be like the holy grail of it all. Is there a way to let empower your coaches who I'm gonna call your like leaders to create their own micro groups in the gym to get by in trust, willingness, you know, to replicate this down the chain, or is that just not possible?

spk_0:   22:08
No, 100% so This is the beauty, and and I think we all understand this. If you're a movement coach or you sell like a service, that is skill based in some way. We all understand how to improve skill, and it's like operating at your edge. You know, if you if you backs call £500 you have to dance around a stimulus that is heavy enough to move that toe one day, squatting 5 20 or whatever the number is. You know, we we know that when it comes to development of leadership on dhe moving down chain like you're saying, it's essentially about putting people in an environment that will expose their edge. And so, uh, you know the ways that it's manifested, say, at Deuces specialty courses. So So if I need to evolve someone as a leader in a way that would maximize their expression as a person, one way to do it is to take all their money out of all their bank accounts, sign a 10 year lease in a building and see if maybe it'll work out. That seems like a high stakes way to grow, right, So what we do is we run experiments, right? Developmental experiments. So what we'll do is we will lower the stakes, and we'll make them an entrepreneur inside of the business, right? And so I need to be fully accountable. Can point the finger nowhere else but to yourself about the results of, let's say, a specialty course like deuce breath and exposure. Okay, so this super obscure breath and exposure course is a experiment in being a next generation leader entrepreneur with just less consequences. And what we do is we show people that they can grow into a bigger container than they were before in a very controlled way that creates a win, win, win, win, win, win, win scenario. All upset.

spk_1:   24:08
Yeah. Okay, So you're really you're you're driving there, you're You're helping them grow by giving them entrepreneurial opportunities like you said with lower stakes and probably coaching them along because I mean what I've seen ah, lot of times and I've been guilty of. This is I'm like, Hey, you want to do with gymnastics, you know, break off at the gym. Cool, have at it, and then it'll be great for a month, and then it will tail off in six weeks and you'll be over in 12. And really, it's because I didn't support the growth of that coach enough, right?

spk_0:   24:44
Yeah. And it's also understanding where these folks edges are you know, like

spk_1:   24:51
if they didn't do it,

spk_0:   24:52
if they're suited to do it right, you know the gross way to explain it. And I use this imagery. Sometimes it's like, I'm gonna put you in the deep end and I won't let you drown. But you're gonna think that it's that you can't touch the ground, right? And so it needs to be in an optimal environment to to grow this person's capacity. Same thing like if you're, you know, best back squad is 500 you put 700 on the bar. It's like that's all bad, right? Eh, So we need the proper stimulus to drive this leadership adaptation.

spk_1:   25:31
That's great. That's great analogy. Um, so for gym owners listening to this like, I guess it's important to realize not everyone even should be out at the bar, right? Yeah, trying to squat at this point. There's some element before that. Like, if you can't, you can't air squad properly. Then we're not putting any weight on the bar 100%. So you have to recognize that as you're developing people. But I think that's an interesting concept, because a lot of gym owners are struggling, too. Figure out how to unlock more revenue there, Jim, and it's not. It could be a simple as figure out how to develop your coaches

spk_0:   26:00
100%. And you know, we do this mental exercise not even really mental. It's just an exercise in the summit, which is like, you're gonna leave here with another revenue stream at least. And if I put you in a corner and say hey without any more resource is anymore people, any more money, could you develop? What could you develop a value? Add inside of this company right now, you can do it and and you know, there's a lot of irony, and I think our business and part of the irony is folks are ah, they're wishing their team was a CZ great as they were, and they want their team to step up. Meanwhile, they've made a company that can only be a cz biggest them, And so you know, you have to look at what are you willing to give up to get the growth that you want? And if the whole company is a giant logjam around your approval on your leadership, then you're building a small company. And so, um, you know, this is super meta because my development has to come from moving the needle on my leadership because there is no no finish line. So now it now it becomes a man. Could I coach another coach to coach other coaches? Right? And the answer is yes, all right. And then it becomes Can I coach other coaches, the coach of the coaches to coach other coaches in another country in another language, right? And so this never ends.

spk_1:   27:34
Yeah, so I I think that's such a insightful topic, because I feel like a lot of people out there running gyms are just worried about customers like they haven't thought too much about the coaches because you and power eight coaches going to battle for you. That's eight of hopefully eight of you or eight of them as an expression of whatever you've taught him out. They're going to battle for you

spk_0:   27:58
and think about how many problem quote unquote problems or limiting factors go away if you can create. Yeah, shift the focus towards the development of the team. If you had in your business a team of employees that are making well over a living wage benefits there, saluting the flag heart, they got neck tattoos of your gym logo. Whatever the thing is,

spk_1:   28:26
that happened at your

spk_0:   28:26
Jenna? Yeah, pretty insane. Uh, so, ah, if you can provide that type of leadership role that now you have that type of leadership, you know, and you can just do more than other teams Most people in our game are like It's like one person with money and maybe one person who's semi charismatic leading ah, half a dozen loosely committed mercenaries who our late on the rent every month. Like, what kind of team is that? You know?

spk_1:   29:07
Yeah. So one thing I've noticed again observing from afar because I've will not drive to Venice respect. One thing I've noticed from a fire is you seem to have created a pretty magical environment at dese in terms of neck tattoos on your cook who got the necktie scene.

spk_0:   29:27
So we have Well, there's a cup. There's three of the four deuce tattoos floating around the world. Right now, Um, Juan has a tattoo on his forearm. Lacey has a tattoo on her tricep. And then we got a guy in Louisiana with one on his chest and then another dude in Texas with one on his foot. But that's just sort of like a random thing that's happened. But the metaphorical saluting the flag neck tattoo thing is a joke that I say that comes from our rite of passage in Coach's prep. It's just impossible that someone would go through that process and be sort of condom may be committed to this thing, and that is an advantage that we benefit from every minute of every day. I can't underscore that enough times, you know, to to to the audience.

spk_1:   30:22
So I mean, t go back to this. Like when I when I when I am talking about like you've created environment there, that's in my opinion, appears to be magical. Um, I'm talking about also from the customer standpoint, like one of my old gym members moved to Venice and became a member of your gym. Ben Wa and, um, he is all about it right and and from what I've seen from people who've been to your Jim's or, you know, social media stuff to get shoot around, that's not That's not uncommon. Yeah, and I know most gym owners think that that's the experience of their gym. But like, believe me, like what I see it happening induces on another level from pretty much every other Jim that I see out there. Not not all the gyms, but almost all of them. Yeah, How is that just a matter of empowering your coaches and and getting them on the right page and in the right seats? Or is there more to it That trickles all the way down to the customer?

spk_0:   31:16
It trickles down to the customer, But let me explain how we model excellent coaching, because I think that will be inclusive of, ah, this seemingly extra stuff. And the reason why I'm saying this is because it's not either, or like we were talking earlier about, like this place and like amenities. Right? Um, the tech world, for example, has a little bit of a fault in this way, where it's like we need the brightest young graduates from the most choice colleges. So how we create quote unquote culture is we have a nicer ping pong table than the other crew, and that's very external and not inclusive of. Is this a savage company, right? Or is it? What do we do? We have just beer pong at lunch, right? And so it has to be both. And so, um, the imagery that that our model for excellent coaching follows is just like these. These nesting dolls here is is two transcend and include the previous stage, and the first stage of our model for excellent coaching is the technical base of coaching. If you cannot set, communicate and build the standard in the gym, this is our language, but around movement at, ah, uniquely excellent level. Then it all falls apart. Then it's just Oh, it's a it's a kitschy garage Jim and the Cool Instagram, and it's the ping Pong table without the savage business. So the core has to be. Is this excellent at what it is that we do?

spk_1:   33:03
Would that be the smallest doll or the biggest?

spk_0:   33:05
That would be the smallest, all OK, right? Yeah, and then the next stage for us in terms of excellent coaching There's a lot of coaches that could do the technical thing. The next stage is, Can you hold your craft in context? Meaning Can you place yourself and the people that you're coaching in context of the grand scheme of things, right? The general way to say it is Are you missing the fucking point? And we can place that in context not just technically, but like an abstract way like Ah, yes, we're here for the reps and sets. It's not just about the reps and sets, and that takes a certain level of non dogmatic space and responsibility to create that environment. We can think about some examples where this falls apart. You're ripped out of your fucking mind, right? You're the fittest person in your zip code. You're the coach, but you can't see that no one gives a fuck, right? We see that coach all time. Yeah, you also can't be the coach who doesn't give a fuck. Can't do anything, isn't fit. And it's saying, Hey, guys, it's just a community, right? This is missing the context. It is both. And so, with this technical base, good coaches have that technical base and can hold their craft in context. The third and final ring of this model is technical base. Yes, hold it in context. Context, yes. And you are inside of leadership, meaning you're ultimately responsible for the experience and the results of this, this institution. And oh, by the way, the paradox of leadership is you're never fully in control of those results. And so now you have coaches who are technical savages who aren't dogmatic and who are always pointing the finger towards themselves. And now you have a chance to create a team that is really dynamic. And that is the thing that is dripping off of everyone in that place that is responsible for the magic

spk_1:   35:12
man. That's pretty amazing. I hope you guys had a pen and paper out or hit the rewind button a few times and write that down. I'll tell you this much like running. Running a business like push press is exactly what you're saying, and that's like kind of a learning process I'm going through is like it all. Ultimately, the buck stops with me for every failure that happens in this company, and that's the first hurdle you have to get over. Is It's not the coach's fault. When you know a class goes awry or fails, it's ultimately your fault. And I think, um, a lot of the Alfa types have a part of a problem with that and that that could be problem may be the first stumbling block of creating a truly special Jim or business, you know, in general, 100%. Yeah, that's nuts. Um, cool, man. Oh, there was with me at one point. I want to talk about that from way back now. We just kept going here. Was about, um, you're selling fitness, and that's hard. Can you? Can you Can you explain that because, like me, I would I would need Jerk it, Lee, go. Ah, fitness is easy to sell because everyone needs fitness and the entire world needs to get fit. And we have an obesity epidemic epidemic and yada, yada yada. Um and, you know, knowing what you're probably gonna say, I think you've already touched upon it. But why don't you Let's just hammer this one home.

spk_0:   36:27
Yeah. I mean, so you're right. Thank God. Like people want to look a certain way and Oh, by the way, we're all sick, so it doesn't matter who you are. I know that we're selling something that you need. Thank God. Also, um, here's how I look at it. I was a high level athlete one point in my life, and I know, and I'm not being facetious here. I know that I'm 34. Now. If I had just had, like, another kind of job, I could not possibly show up too an anonymous corporate gym and figure out how to get better for the next 30 years in there, I wouldn't know how to do it. I don't have enough willpower. I and I feel like a highly motivated, capable person. And so in that sense, this is difficult. And so if you are in your mind as an entrepreneur thinking that you are selling workouts, you have, in my opinion, no chance of doing this. Well, So what is it that you are selling? We need to sell an environment that is about learning and skill acquisition, because no reasonable person is enough of a masochist just to show up to a place to burn a little bit more calories than they take in for the next 20 years. And so what we're trying to do is ah, be very clear as to what we are. And I'm not saying everybody needs to do this. I'm just saying I would. I never feel like I have a chance to compete in This industry will call it with a perspective other than ours, which is We are in business to be coached. You are coming to school and I can create a lot of value with that in 2020. Fitness is free. It's been free. There's nothing remarkable or compelling about renting people, dumbbells and kettlebells. Regardless of how instagram a ble your gym is, we can create extreme value with the thing that sets us apart, and you need to know what that is. And for us, it's coaching. We told people you're gonna find the best coaching experience here and you'll find anywhere in the world, and we're working really hard to make that true. I don't know if it's true. We're working really hard to make that trip.

spk_1:   38:56
Yeah, I mean, just just at the service level, without really digging that deep into it finished is not only not only a commodity like Kettlebells can be used at any 24 hour fitness now. But I could go outside and do Burpees and jump on a planter box all day for free. Yeah, what? What you're selling. And I've been long shouting. This, um, is experience and education like there might be, like, one or two more 10 gentle things there. Um, But at the end of the day, if if if what you're selling is either, like, fancy the better ping pong table, you're gonna lose equinox or something like that, right? And if you're if you're selling community then and you're not developing our coaches, what's gonna happen is when your coach is gonna leave and take that community with them, and then your whole your whole business prop just went somewhere else. So yeah, I think a lot of and then and then, you know, a lot of gym owners are talking about turn being a problem. Or let's put it in gym terms, like losing members being a problem. And if you're developing what you're talking about like you're building a churn buster like people won't leave because your coaches are happy. They're making money, they're staying there, and they're learning stuff, right?

spk_0:   40:10
And it's also that specifically to that point, Ah, the context. Peace, it's like, is your language and the thing that you're teaching holding space for the fact that like Hey, we're on our care we're talking about like skill acquisition. It's not Maur push jerks for the sake of push jerks. It's like, How are we doing this? And cannot weave a story that this is a 30 year journey of getting your black belt and fitness? And if you're not telling that story and it's just, you know, how much did you sweat or not to like? Take a jab, Another fitness modalities. But it's like, you know, if you're counting these calorie burn zone,

spk_1:   40:54
how many points you get

spk_0:   40:55
yet right? And so that's just not some and I could I'm open to being wrong about this, but that's just something that I know. I can't I can't show up for the next 10 years for that. I just can't

spk_1:   41:07
Yeah, I mean, if anyone's done those type of workouts, I've I basically make it a point to try every hot workout that comes out just to see what they're selling, because there's actually things to learn from all of them. Yeah. Um, I could see how how a lot of will get really old really fast. And then what I know doesn't get old is learning. Yeah, right,

spk_0:   41:25
100%. And the learning provides context for doing all the difficult things. And there's such a valuable. I don't want to say story, because that sounds contrived, but a valuable story to be built around this whole thing. You know, for us just to share my limited perspective, it's like if we're a school, then it makes sense that, you know, because I can call on anyone's school experience and they know it's not just about what they did in class. There's a social element there. There's a community element there. There's this long arc of compounding message. This is something that you can enroll in and show up for, and it's not contrived or fake. That's rooted in real performance, you know. So that's the story that's compelling.

spk_1:   42:09
Yeah, that's a huge topic. That's probably whole topic in and of itself. Um, let's wrap this up. No, actually, been going for a good amount. Hopefully, you're actually a really deeply philosophy ical thoughtful intelligent dude. Thanks, man. Um, in a body that could squat £500 Right. So, um, yeah, I probably if you're listening right now, you might want to rewind this a few times and, like, really think about what's being said because there's some pretty deep stuff being said here. Um, Logan, if anyone's interested in, like, catching you finding you around like work, where can they find you?

spk_0:   42:45
Yeah, just on. Ah, it's Graham Twitter at functional coach. And, ah, you can check out hold the standard dot com for online education staff development, entrepreneur development. Ah, And then the information of the summit is there, so I just invite people to check that out. Any leadership roll, any manager, any teammate of ah, of a small business would benefit from this two day course. And, um, juice jim dot com.

spk_1:   43:16
When's the next summit?

spk_0:   43:18
So we're Nashville, March 7th and eighth, Los Angeles, March 28th and 29th. And then Barcelona June 13th and 14th

spk_1:   43:28
for a wide. Yep. All right, guys. Well, thank you so much, Logan. That was Ah, super insightful. I'm gonna re listen this a few times myself to make sure I got Everything came out here. Um, but thank you guys for tuning in you. Another episode of the gym os podcasts here to help you become a better business owner in your fitness facility. Make sure you like this episode or like our podcast subscribes Weaken tune into more deep hitting stuff like this. And until next time we catch you keep on grinding guys. Oh, right. If that was your first time listening to it. Put this down. Go get a cup of tea, use the restroom, Come back, hit the rewind button and listen to that again. Because if you really listen to that, you know, you probably need to listen to it again because there's no way you can absorb that much high level, mind bending content in one sitting without needing to re go back through it with a notebook and a pen and paper, you probably realize somewhere in there you need a pen and paper. In fact, I should have warned you that on the intro. So if you're listening this more than once now we can actually do the outro. Hopefully you just grasp a ton of stuff from that. I did. I learned a lot myself, and I feel like I talked to a lot of smart people every day. That was cool. So if you are getting value from this, here comes the ask. I do it every episode. You know what's coming. Hit that, like button hit the subscribe button. Leave us of review, preferably a five star one with some comments in there. Let Google and Apple and all the rest of the other algorithms out there know that we're providing value to you guys because you know what we really care. We really care about helping not just push press clients, but all gym owners succeed. So give us that, like, give us that subscribe. If you already done it, try and do it again. Got another platform and do it again. Give it to us because that's gonna get us in the hands of more gym owners were gonna be able to help more gym owner succeed more. Jim Jones. We're gonna be able to hear stuff like this to help them in their gyms. Rising tides float all boats. That how it goes, Rising tides rise. All boats. I don't know. You know what I'm trying to say. Anyways, go do that for me. I'm gonna keep grinding over here, creating park house and content for you guys to become better gym owners, better business owners and until next time, keep on grinding.