The gymOS Podcast from PushPress

The Secret to Street Parking's Multi-Million Dollar Success with Miranda Alcaraz

Miranda Alcaraz, Street Parking Season 3 Episode 26

On this episode of the gymOS Podcast, Dan interviews Miranda Alcaraz, who founded Street Parking with her husband Julian in 2016. Miranda has 15 years of experience in the fitness industry, 8 years on CrossFit HQ seminar staff, and 8 years competing in CrossFit but one of the things she's most proud of is bringing fitness to the masses.

Miranda wanted to create a program for people who have minimal equipment and are on a tight schedule but who want to get fit. Within the first month, Street Parking had 700, GET THIS, they have over 30,000 members!

Listen up as Miranda shares exactly how her journey took her from an idea that started in her garage to a multi-million dollar company. Enjoy!

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Dan Uyemura:

Welcome to the gymOS podcast, helping fitness professionals become better business owners one episode at a time. Today we have Miranda Alvarez founder, along with her husband who Julian, Street Parking. It's a, I guess a workout programming platform that end users or fitness fanatics can join on their own and participate from home or from wherever they work out. And it's pretty cool. You guys fit right into the COVID lifestyle is pretty cool situation for you guys. But for those of you don't know, Miranda has been around the fitness and specifically the CrossFit scene forever. 15 years in the fitness industry, eight years on the seminar staff with CrossFit HQ. And for anyone who's been around CrossFit for a long time, everyone knows Miranda, so pretty cool. And then for those of you who haven't been around the CrossFit scene for a while, you probably know street parking. I find that to be super cool that you guys started Street Parking, it is taking a life of its own and you guys are absolutely killing it so many people that I'm connected to on the internet, posting their street parking workouts from their garages or whatnot. And I think that's super cool. Quick question. Well, actually, let me let you introduce yourself real quick. And then I have a quick question about Street Parking. So go ahead.

Miranda Alcaraz:

Yeah, I mean, I think that's it. You nailed it. One of Julian and I's favorite moments from a few years ago, street parking is four years old now. So we started in November, actually, of 2016 when the Instagram page went up, and when the idea started to formulate. And we started having paid subscribers in January that following January, so like two months later, one of our favorite moments few years ago, because we were both so well known in CrossFit is when we were recognized I think we're at like Costco and somebody said, you guys are Miranda and Julian from Street Parking. They say nothing about crossfit And we're like, Yes, we did it! So that was really cool. So yeah, that's it. The only other thing that I would add is I'm a mom of two over here. And I had a baby six months ago, a COVID. Baby, if you will, which has added to the interesting year for us. Yeah. But that's who I am. You nailed it. I think you did a good job.

Dan Uyemura:

Right on. So in today's episode, we're going to talk about a couple, I don't really want to call them hacks, but a things that you've done a street parking that has really impacted your business. But before we get into that, I want to just talk really quickly about kind of the beginning of street parking, because I find massive success in business to be interesting, because it takes a little bit of luck. But it takes a lot of bit of hard work and skill. And you know, everything just has to come together. And it probably did for you guys to some magical way. The first question I was curious about is how do you come with the name street parking?

Miranda Alcaraz:

Yeah, so basically, if you turn your garage into a gym, you park your car in the street, right? And we lived in California at the time, so not everybody even has driveways. So that's where it was street parking luckily, instead of driveway parking that wouldn't have been as catchy.

Dan Uyemura:

Street Parking is a good, cool, talk to us about so a lot of gym owners out there. Our audience is primarily gym owners. And when you get those first customers coming in the gym, it's a very it's it's a very cool feeling. But it's an in the gym experience. So it's like you're seeing the person you're dealing with. And I can say from experience that starting an online business is weird, because you transact with people that you don't see. And I'm just curious, like, what was it like when you got your first dollar from somebody who just paid you over the internet for whatever you're doing? Like, did you guys high five each other? Like what was that feeling like?

Miranda Alcaraz:

It was crazy. So like I said, we started the Instagram page in November of 2016, toward the end of November of 2016. And at first it was just that we were kind of like, hey, whenever we post workouts from a hotel gym or from home, people are like I could do this, tagging each other, we should try this, oh, I could do this with the dumbbells at my house. And so the initial idea was just, well, let's create a separate Instagram page for this. And I'm like the queen of creating separate Instagram pages for things. I was the NC lab. I don't know if people remember that. That's like old school when it was like our crew at NorCal that worked out together. That was my idea, like, hey, let's post our workouts on this Instagram and on the website. So I had done stuff like that before. And so first it was just kind of a small community that was forming on the page. And then when we opened it up to subscribers, we were blown away. Our goal was to have 100 members to help us like pay our California utilities to be honest. And we were I think we had 700 members in the first like six weeks or something like that. And what actually happened and I'm sure trainers in person know all about this is when we received that money from those people. It was like oh, shoot, like now we're responsible. That's really these people. Yeah, like they're counting on us for their workouts. They're counting on us for coaching. They're counting on us. To be consistent with, you know, posting things on time and and running things smoothly, and not that we wouldn't have done a good job if there was only 20 of them. But the pressure, obviously, where you had so many people, it was a lot at first, it was interesting, for sure.

Dan Uyemura:

Okay, two more questions about street parking, and then we'll move on. Just again, I find this super fascinating. So the concept of traction or the, I guess, to put it in more layman's terms, like this idea of a flywheel where like, you get a rower, right, you get a rower going to some certain degree, and then the rollers kind of doing some of the work for you. Because the flywheel is going right. In your business. When did you realize you had something going, like to the point where you needed to devote all of your time and energy to it? And how did like, how did that feel? And how did you guys react to that? Was it like an oh shit moment? Or was it like super exciting, a little bit of all of that?

Miranda Alcaraz:

I would say a little bit of all of that. So you know, I've been around fitness for long enough and just, I guess life for long enough that when we started street parking, we got those initial 700 members or whatever, I know that just because some, especially with a subscription model, or you know, if you have a gym just because somebody pays for their first month, doesn't mean they're going to pay for their second month. And so it wasn't like that, when we got 700 members, initially, we thought, Oh my gosh, like this is gonna be a business that we're gonna have for five years. It was like, let's see if people stay. Let's see if people like it. Let's see if we can keep this thing going. I think to this day, we still keep a pretty healthy level of skepticism, with our, you know, with ourselves. And I think that's great. because it keeps us on our toes, I don't think that we've ever gotten to a point where we feel like we have it all figured out. And we know what we're doing. And there's no need for improvement, or definitely there's never been a time where we are on autopilot or anything like that at all. So I was also pregnant, I just found out that I was pregnant when we started street parking. Actually the page started then like a week later, I found out I was pregnant. And then the subscription model started like a month later. And I was working for pro genex, which is a supplement company most people probably heard of, when I went on maternity leave after our son was born, Julian was encouraging me not to go back to work and to focus on street parking. I'm the type of person who have always had multiple sources of income I get it really stresses me out to only have one source of income. That was scary for me. And I told him if we have 2000 members, I think it was 2000. By the time I'm supposed to go back, I won't go back. And we hit it. And so I didn't go back. And then eventually, he had a meal prep business at the time when we started as well. And eventually he sold that. And obviously now here we are. It was really scary. But it was kind of one of those moments where it's like, you either go all in, or you don't and you potentially regret it right? So yeah.

Dan Uyemura:

Nice. That's cool story. God, I could ask you a million questions about all these things. I'm gonna ask one more thing that just came to mind when you were saying that I work with my wife here at pushpress? How is it working with your husband, everyone, like when my wife was going to start working here? All of her friends were like, don't do it. Terrible idea. How is it working with Julian? Like how do you guys deal with differences? And I mean, obviously, you're still married with another kid. So it's working out? You know, like, how how's it all going?

Miranda Alcaraz:

It goes really well, it really goes really well. For us, we balance each other out a lot. I think one of the keys is that we don't have a lot of overlap in what we actually do as street parking. For the first year or maybe a little bit more. It was mostly me, he would help with programming. And he would be in the demos, and he would like, comment to people on our Facebook group and stuff like that. But it was mostly me running everything else because he still has other business. And then since he's left, he does honestly a lot more managing of our staff and the day to day like keeping up on what they've got going on and things like that. I'm more of an idea person and I do most of the programming. There's not a ton of overlap. So I think that helps. The other thing that helps is we both have the exact same vision for SP so there's never any like, No, I want to try to sell street parking to Jeff besos. And I'm like, No, I want it to be small. And we have the exact same vision for it. And we've never argued about any of that. And we trust each other's input and things like that. So I would say the hardest part of it is that it's hard to know when to turn turn it off.

Dan Uyemura:

Yeah. Especially when you're working from home and your business. Yeah, I mean, your home is your business.

Miranda Alcaraz:

Yeah. And we both love what we do so much that it's not like, I don't want to talk. I mean, sometimes it is that that we don't want to talk about it. But in general, it's just hard not to.

Dan Uyemura:

Yeah, I mean, it's your passion and and you're working from home and you're working out from home and you're recording demos from home probably then it's like everything's just blended and on top of that, it's what you love to do. So, like I wear the same we talked about while we're cooking dinner, you know? Yeah, while we're winding down, stuff like that. Okay, cool. So let's dig into the meat of this episode. Now, you mentioned a lot in that first five or 10 minutes there about social media, Facebook groups, Instagram groups, stuff like that. The topic of this episode was going to be around building your community, it seems like you built SP on the backs of a private Instagram page, which honestly, is something I've never thought about doing. I don't use Instagram as much as I should. And I guess I just see it as everyone just has one Instagram page, and that's their page. Can you explain to our listeners, like what you did? How you got it off the ground? And what kind of an asset it was for street parking? You know, to start its infancy of a business?

Miranda Alcaraz:

Yes, so for us, I was a coach for a long time, a very high at a high level with CrossFit and the seminars, and there's so much value in not only connecting with people, you know that way, but also, basically, I wasn't interested in putting out a program for at home without some coaching. And while I not might not be able to watch our members work out and give them feedback, the demo videos was very important to me, like I didn't want to be just another program that you throw the workout on a whiteboard and take a picture of it, or you put it in the app, and they read it, it was very important for me to, for us to have demos. So we do have a public street parking page, it's more for marketing, and then are on Instagram, and then our street parking members, Instagram is private. And when people join, they we send them instructions to request to follow that private page. And when they request, we have somebody who will double check, this person is a member, and they let them in when they cancel, we take them off of it. Initially, that was the only place that and our Facebook group were the only places that we posted the daily demos. So of what the workout was going to be what the movements were and what all the subs and modifications were. That was kind of the purpose for it.

Dan Uyemura:

Let me ask you jump in real quick and ask you a quick question. Speaking in point that I know every gym owner out there who has their private Facebook group for their gym experiences? How did you find it an easy solution to get people into your private Instagram page? If they had to request to join it? Like I know you probably put in some emails. My experience is 50% of people don't even read me Don't even open the email and read it. How did you make that happen seamlessly? So people were getting because I bet you if you ran the numbers, if I didn't join your Instagram private group, I probably quit pretty quick compared to people who did join, right?

Miranda Alcaraz:

There's not an easy answer for that. One of the things that I think has made street parking so successful, are there some things that you can't that are that you can make seamless and that are scalable. And then we have continued to do things that are most people would look at and be like, that's not scalable, that's a waste of time. And we've continued to do them, no matter how big our community has gotten. And we just, it's valuable enough to us that we continue to do it. We have now a street parking members only website where the videos are. So they also get a login for that when they join now. And all the demo videos and everything are on there, which is quite honestly, at this point, a much better place to get them. But we didn't have that for the first like year, it was only Instagram and Facebook. Because we were small and we weren't trying to spend a lot of money on something that we didn't even know was going to be a long term business, you know, so we, we've always kept the business pretty lean for what we were doing. But what I kind of wanted to talk to, because I know like this is great, but you guys, gym owners in person coaches don't need to post demo videos and subs and modifications is not what you could potentially use Instagram for.

Dan Uyemura:

Technically, you could in today's world because with some at home workouts going on in gyms, you technically could, right?

Miranda Alcaraz:

Absolutely. So with all the closures and stuff, if you had a private Instagram page, or even on your public Instagram page for your gym, if you were like and I saw a lot of gyms do that, actually, they're like, here's the workout today that you could do at home. Here's the demo for it, here's how you could modify it, I saw a lot of gyms doing that. It's a lot of work. I think it's a lot more work than people wanted it to be or expected it to be. But it's a great resource. And the reason that we like Instagram for this, as opposed to just only having the members only website is because people are going to go on Instagram anyway.

Dan Uyemura:

Right? You meet them where they go.

Miranda Alcaraz:

Yeah, so I don't have to convince them and remind them hey, go check out the workout today. It's on members only. That's there for the people that are motivated and already thinking about it. But also if I'm a member of street parking, and I'm scrolling my through my IG and the workout pops up. Okay, fine, I'll go do it or let me see what it is or whatever. So

Dan Uyemura:

Yeah, and probably you didn't understand it until watching that social media movie this year. But if you got your members if your members are there, they're probably interacting with your videos quite frequently because they're they want to see what the workout is and because they're interacting with it. They're going to get shown it every time they come through. So it works out perfectly for you that you're always like top of feed top reminder for them. So how I mean, put yourself, I forgot to mention earlier, you did own a gym in 2008 ish, you do understand what it's like to own a gym. So put yourself back in your shoes. If you if let's say Instagram was today, you're back owning a gym like you were back then I got over 12 years ago. How could you leverage Instagram to build a community within your gym membership?

Miranda Alcaraz:

Yeah, so what I see a lot of people do with their Instagram pages for their gyms is they use it as a marketing tool, which is fine. There. They're not typically talking to their own members, they're talking to potential members, and they're trying to reach potential members. The way that we've been so successful with Instagram specifically, is we use our social media to connect with our members. And we follow all of our members, every single member of street parking is followed, we actually had to start several more private pages, because we learned at 7500 members that you're only allowed to follow 7500 people on Instagram from one account. So we have multiple accounts, because we want to connect with our members and see what they're up to. Obviously, most gyms are never going to run into that problem. But let's say you've got 200 members and you follow every single one. And then you assign your coaches to log on to that Instagram page, and go see what your members are up to in their real lives. So let's say john posts about how he got a new puppy right on Instagram, and like one of your coaches sees that. And then the next time john comes in, you're like, Bro, I saw your dog. That's so cool. It's so oh my gosh, like that's a connection point or the gym comments like love the puppy, bring him by next Saturday or something like that. Yeah, this is something that we do with our members and any gym could do. And it builds that community. If john hasn't been to your gym for a month, and he sees the gym comment about the new puppy, it reminds him like, gosh, dang, I gotta go back to the gym. Like, I've been slacking or whatever.

Dan Uyemura:

That's a super interesting point. I'm always on this podcast, and to our clients professing that, like engineering or relationship and engineering and experience is critical for these gems. Right? You have to make sure you're actively doing things to create experience in relationship with your members. What's interesting, in your case, is your relationships almost a currency because you're so popular to the point where by you following them back, they actually feel like Oh, shit, they actually followed me back. I'm not just following them. So it's because you've actually taken it to a scale beyond what a gym probably can. Because, yeah, you commenting on someone's personal puppy post is literally currency to them. Like the street parking, people actually just paid attention to me, as opposed to me paying attention to them. And that's pretty cool. But in the gym, what's interesting you note is like, you don't really even have to, as long as you're making sure coaches and people are paying attention to your members and have already set up this, you know, following relationship with these members. Those conversations are gonna happen organically, you don't have to tell them hey, remember, go to every member and make sure you talk to all of them about their puppy posts, like you're gonna see a puppy and just be like, dude, your puppy super cool, when it won't even be something you have to figure out. You know, that's pretty cool.

Miranda Alcaraz:

And especially like, I mean, there's a lot of members who are the quieter members or they're the members who might not be as comfortable being the center of attention in a group setting, but you can get to know them through seeing that kind of stuff on their page, and then go have those one on one conversations that might have never happened just because they're not a super talkative person. And all gyms have people that will cancel because they never felt included or they never felt like they fit in or whatever. And just not getting to know your members through the things that they're posting people post what they're interested in, they post what means the most of them in life, right? Yep. So you can see that stuff. And then the other thing that we do is we repost our members a lot, who are posting about their workouts. So if they post hashtag street parking, we repost them a lot. We comment on that stuff. Obviously, it's important for us because we aren't able to be there in person with them to say, Oh my gosh, good job, you crushed it today. And we all know how important that is for people to hear if mom is at home, and nobody sees her workout, and she posted on Instagram, and there are no comments to say Good job. That's super sad, right? So we try to coach them through at least telling them good job and and we see you, which is huge for us.

Dan Uyemura:

Yeah, that's pretty cool. I mean, if you ever did an analysis on your company, as a lot of like a lot of companies that succeed have these like moments of just perfect fit. And like, yeah, this whole social media thing. And again, like you've hit a flywheel point where you're big enough where when you read, like, if someone comes to my gym, and I'm like high five, good job, that's great. They got called out in front of 15 people 20 people and that makes them feel good. But now your people are getting called out in front of how many followers you have. You must have 20,000 Plus or more.

Miranda Alcaraz:

We have 30,000 members. Now. Yes,

Dan Uyemura:

You give Someone a shout out for doing a good job. And that's like, you've just called me out in front of 30,000 people for doing a good job. Like, it just gets bigger and bigger and bigger since you're building your business in that direction. That's super cool. So let's talk about one other topic today. And that's, and to me, this falls in that thesis of manufacturing experience, or manufacturing relationship. And that's gamification. Right? You told me it's something that you do in your business? And I'm super curious, like, how do you see gamification in in your business? And then how can that relate to like an in person gym?

Miranda Alcaraz:

But anyways, making it into a game is what we're after? Right? Yes, I think within CrossFit, CrossFit is already gamified. But it's often gamified based on performance, which is great for people who have great performance and can be actually a detriment to some others, depending on your gyms culture. So if your gyms culture, you've been able to establish a you versus you don't worry about anybody else, we're going to retest this workout. And even if you're still the last on the leaderboard, as long as your time was better this time than last time, you should be proud. That's great moment, we've seen a lot because we hear a lot of people. I mean, on our Facebook group, they tell us why they quit their gyms or what they hated about their gyms or things like that. And the topic of I felt pressure to always go Rx, or I felt like I always was coming in last, or we hear that so often. But I do think there is something to gamification. And so we just do it in a different way. A couple things that we do is we have a 75, workout hoodie, for example. And when somebody has logged 75, street parking workouts, we send them completely free, a hoodie, that says free parking that cannot be bought. And it's a way for them our big thing, and I think most gym owners would agree, our main goal for people is for them to be consistent. We know that consistency is going to bring results, results, keep them with us, and keep them talking about it and bringing in other people. And then we add this hoodie into it, which quite honestly, people usually get it in about three months. Our memberships are only $19 a month and the hoodie costs like 30 bucks, and then we ship it for free. So we're almost even or for that three month cost. But then what everybody does is they post the picture of the hoodie on their Instagram when it shows up and said so they say how proud they are of themselves. And now they're walking around with their street parking hoodie on so we it's a marketing firm, they

Dan Uyemura:

Do they know that the hoodies coming like is that told to them ahead of time?

Miranda Alcaraz:

So they do have to redeem it. They'll know of the 75 what do you think when they've reached 75? They email us and we just double check that they've got theirs. Yeah, their log and then and then we get all the info. So yeah, they do know that it's coming.

Dan Uyemura:

Got it. Cuz one aspect of that type of marketing is is what's called surprise and delight, where all of a sudden a hoodie just shows up. And then they're just like, Whoa, what the hell you know. So that's something gym owners can look to do. There's actually a gym around the corner from me, used to be a competing gym to me, but now that I'm out of the gym game, not so much anymore, but I watch his Instagram feed and he does this so well. It's CrossFit provoke over here in lomita. And I like I just noticed yesterday, he had, like he has so many of these is a 45 pound play club. And I think he gives him a 45 pound plate if they lose 45 pounds. Wow, that's cool, right? And then he gives them like those really nice OSL collars on their five year anniversary like full painted like he has a whole hierarchy of things that he gives them, which is pretty cool. And his members posted like I see it all the time. Like he you know that he must get reposted a ton for that.

Miranda Alcaraz:

People are nuts about that stuff. And we've had people tell us over and over again like, oh my gosh, like this is too expensive. Like why are you doing this? Like this isn't theirs? How do you track the ROI on something like this and, and you can't really...

Dan Uyemura:

It's a marketing expense.

Miranda Alcaraz:

Exactly one of the things that I learned, because I remember when I had my gym and even when I was a personal trainer before that I would track our membership at the gym with once somebody is a member for X amount of time, they're kind of a member for life. And that period of time was three months at my gym. And so the 75 workout hoodie came from that idea where I feel like if we can keep people consistent enough for three months, that they're going to be around for much, much longer. And so what's an incentive to get people because there are a lot of people who just they need something to motivate them to start working out in the first place. And then once they're there, they're kind of like off to the races. And that hoodie was the idea for that. The other thing that we do that we just started this year is what we call the street parking vault. It's kind of the idea of the open mixed with the Disney vault. The Disney vault is I think I don't even know if they still do it. But when they would like release Little Mermaid for sale, but only for like six months, and then they would put it back in the vault and you couldn't you couldn't buy it anymore. This was when like VHS DVDs. Were still a thing. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. So if you didn't buy it, then you're gonna have to wait till they release it again.

Dan Uyemura:

It's like the McRib.

Miranda Alcaraz:

Sure, yeah. Exactly. Oh, here comes next. So everybody loves the open, right. But they don't love the open in that it's a lot of pressure. And it's a lot of stress to perform at a certain level and get a certain score. And they're comparing, you know themselves to everyone and things like that, which we wanted to take that on the street parking vault is 25 workouts one a week that you have to complete and put a score in that week. And you have to collect all 25 to get the vault shirt, okay. And if you don't log a score that week, if you don't do the workout, or if you forget to do the workout or whatever goes away, it goes away and you and you have to so it's over six months, you have two chances per year to earn it. So if you missed one, you're gonna have to wait six months to make that one up again. And you can still get the shirt on the second time through. But people go nuts for it. And sometimes people will say this is the only workout I did this week. Yeah, yeah.

Dan Uyemura:

What you're explaining to me like so. Like you mentioned earlier, CrossFit is gamified naturally, right, because everyone's trying to get there's a there's a leaderboard, there's a whiteboard, there's some scoring system, right. But the problem with CrossFit, like you mentioned is nobody's leaderboard is written in relative terms, right? So it's not like, Oh, hey, Miranda, you have 102% increase over your first time you did it. So hey, great job. It's like, oh, you're still last in class. Like whether it's 100% increase, or if it's a 50% increase? We don't really know you're just last, you know. So that's what I that's what we call a zero sum game, like there's a winner, and everyone behind the winner is not a winner. Yeah, what you're describing to me, and all of these things are not zero sum games. And that's what makes gamification work at scale, because you're not making 99 people feel bad for the one person who feels good, right? because like you said, I love the open. But I always felt a little bad about myself every year because I didn't do as good as I wanted to. Right. So as much as it was fun, and it was exciting. I didn't it wasn't positive all the way through for me, right. So if you're out there thinking about games, gamification for your gym, make sure you set up a system that's a zero sum or not, not a zero sum game where everyone can win. And everyone's participating. feel good about it. Right. That's important. Yes. Cool. Well, I think that's a good place to wrap it up. You're generous enough to give us 45 minutes of your time, we super appreciate that. I know you're busy. You gave us some pretty incredible tips and techniques, stuff, honestly, in all my years running a gym I never even thought of doing which is very hard to come by nowadays. Oh, thank you. Yeah. Cool. So anyways, we'll just end it there. Thank you so much again, Miranda, for coming through. For those of you guys who want to check out street parking or want to know more about it, you want to let them know where they can go.

Miranda Alcaraz:

Yeah, so the website is T e Instagram, the public, I stagram is at street parking. A d just for you gym owners out t ere, too. We have tons of gym o ners in our community that are o the Facebook group, they f llow street parking, because t ey want to see what we're d ing and see how they can r plicate that in their gyms. T ey use our workouts we don't c arge extra for I mean, all we a k gym owners is if you're g ing to use our workouts, just s y where you got it from, p ease. And I'm sure there are p enty of gym owners who don't s y where they got it from. And t ere's not really a way we can c ntrol that with so many p ople. We love it. We love h ving gym owners as part of our c mmunity. And there are a lot o them in our community. I know t ey bounce ideas off of each o her on our Facebook group. I s e it all the time. So yeah, c eck it out. And we'd love to h ve you guys at least come look b hind the curtain if you'd like t.

Dan Uyemura:

Yeah, I mean, what she mentioned is pretty key. Like you can learn from other people, either how they run their business or how not to run yours depending on if it's a good business or bad doesn't. So yeah, man, it wouldn't hurt to follow street parking and pay attention to the things they're doing. Like you might have seen them run this vault program and then realize that's something you can run in your gym and it could be super effective. That's a free tip that you can pick up just by paying attention. Well again, thank you so much for your time Miranda and we will catch you later.