The gymOS Podcast from PushPress

Be a Leader and Stop Running Around Like a Headless Chicken with Josh Price, Two Brain Business

Josh Price Season 3 Episode 29

This week, the gymOS Podcast brings you Josh Price, owner of LoCo CrossFit, Senior mentor at Two Brain Business, as well as co-founder of  The Brotherhood of Fatherhood. He grew up watching his father mentor others in life and business, and during his 13 years of service in the U.S. Army, he benefited from the mentorship of countless military leaders who taught Josh about leadership, strategy, professionalism and courage.

He joins the show to share his knowledge on LEADERSHIP, finding your core values, the good and bad of partnerships, and how to hire your first employee.

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Dan Uyemura  0:00 
Welcome to the gym OS podcast. Helping fitness professionals become better business owners one episode at a time.

Welcome to the gymOS podcast, I'm your host Dan Uyemura, CEO of pushpress. On today's episode, we got Josh Price. He's the owner of LoCo CrossFit out of Leesburg, Virginia, and he's also the lead mentor at Two Brain Business. In my research for this episode, I found Josh's bio, and I just had to mention it because I feel like it speaks to so many of you out there in the fitness business for a similar reason. his bio starts like this. Josh, his enthusiasm for coaching is rooted in the belief that getting people fit is the key to making every aspect of their life better. His ultimate goal is to help you find your happy, and give you the tools to keep it. It's pretty cool, right? This passion for helping others is something I hear and see in so many gym studio owners out there. Now don't get me wrong, passion is great and necessary. What I also see from a lot of gym owners is the inability to transfer that passion to their employees and lead them in a way that really allows them to grow and flourish in your business. On today's episode, we're going to dive deep into leadership, specifically leading your employees. And we're going to start all the way at the beginning with hiring, follow it through the journey and hopefully and where your employees can actually run your business without you. As the lead mentor to Two Brain, Josh is more than qualified to tackle this issue. So I'm super excited to have him here today. Let's get this started. All right, Josh, welcome to the show. It's great to have you here. Josh comes by way of LoCo CrossFit in Virginia. Josh has been a longtime CrossFit affiliate owner himself, as well as an army man, thank you for your service. I know, Veterans Day is coming up here. Very happy to have Josh on the podcast.

Today we're going to talk about leadership and leadership is a topic in my opinion that is overlooked until your waist deep in trouble. And I can say that from experience myself, I wouldn't say we're in trouble. But I was waist deep in needing to learn how to be a leader. And I feel like it's one of those things where if you're an alpha male or an alpha female out there, you probably think you know how to lead until you're actually leading a crew of people more than you thought you would. And as we know, it's everyone's goal in this podcast, all my guests cool. And it should be your goal if you're listening this podcast, to grow your business to a size where you're leading a bunch of coaches and you're leading a big tribe of people maybe even have multi locations. And this is a topic very, very sorely under discussed I feel I'm super happy to have Josh on today. With that Josh, why don't you give our audience a quick introduction to who you are, what you do and how you approach leadership.

Josh Price  2:47 
So Josh Price, owner of LoCo CrossFit which is in Leesburg, Virginia. We've been an affiliate now for eight years, I think and but I currently live in Past Christian, Mississippi, so I live over 1000 miles away from my gym. So leadership really is near and dear to me, not only that I am the lead mentor for Two Brain Business. Shout out to Chris and all the other mentors over there. So being in a absentee or I don't even know what you want to call it away from my gym and everything, like there's a lot of leadership that comes into play there. And then also helping to run a very large company as the lead mentor and mentoring and leading a team of over 30 mentors that were not in the same building, that maybe once a year, produces challenges and preached a lot of growth in me as a leader.

So your second thing, how do I approach leadership? The first thing that's like, super, super important is knowing your core values. And that was really instilled in me in the army. One of the first things you have to do learn the army values, leadership, duty, respect, selfless service, honor, integrity, personal courage, if I remember them all correctly, and like what they mean and everything to you. For me, I think that one that's really been added in there. And everything is, is teamwork. Teamwork is extremely important to me. I love, love, love, love being part of a team, I will choose to be part of a team versus working on my own any day of the week. And it's why I've had partners in probably every single one of my businesses and a lot of people are like, Oh, don't don't do partnerships. There's so many problems that that rise up, but I love them.

Dan Uyemura  4:25 
Remind me to dive into that. I've always been of the belief that you need to have partners. And yeah, so that does absolutely something we should talk about in this episode.

Josh Price  4:33 
Okay, awesome. So you have to have those core values and everything because you have to know like, it's kind of like in the absence of orders or the in the absence of a vision or mission and we'll talk about those today too, I know, is you have to know like what is your internal compass and where are you coming from so like integrity, that honesty and everything of doing the right thing whether you know, somebody watching or not teamwork, like I said, I want to work together. courage and everything. Like, I think all of these things are so important. And they go into influencing how we are building the vision statement or mission statement for a business, right? So what does that mean? It means that if you're not in a position to lead or whatever, like, maybe it's a car accident, okay, there's a car accident that happens and everything. Well, if you don't have a good set of core values of personal courage, are you going to jump out and out? Probably not, you're probably just going to be an onlooker and everything. And that's fine at times, right? Sometimes people just need to be on lookers, maybe they're not trained or anything else. But if you have that value of personal courage, and you've gone through first aid training, like many of the gym owners and everything have, you probably going to be one of those people that jumps out of the car and goes and assists, right, that's leadership in the absence of mission, leadership, with a mission and everything that goes into the businesses that we're building and everything. So we have to know where we're going. Right. And the reason why is nobody wants to follow you, if you're just running around, like a chicken with their head cut off, they want to know where we're going so that they can figure out if they align with that, right. So for my gym, it's been a very simple vision the entire time, we want to help the health and fitness or the fitness and the health of Leesburg, Virginia. Right. It's just that straightforward.

Dan Uyemura  6:25 
So let's take a quick step back, because you introduced a lot of topics here that I know are important to the concept of leadership, that I want to make sure we dive into and everyone understands. But before we even do that, I don't know you, you kind of set it in one breath. And I want to make sure the audience understood that you're running your gym from 1000 miles away, right? That's true leadership that you set up the process and the system to run in your absence. And to your managing 30 mentors on the to brain team correct all virtually or remotely. So I just want to make sure that that those points are very clear that you're talking from a position of authority and leadership understand what you're talking about. So let's jump back, you've said a few things and I want to I want to just throw them on the table. And you can rearrange them how you see best core values, vision, and mission. These are three things that you threw out that are very important to any business or I don't know, maybe even people as you know, a person, how do they relate to each other? And how do they pertain to leadership?

Josh Price  7:24 
Yep. So I said the core values and are saying they pertain to like knowing yourself, right? Whichever stoic philosopher it is that said, Know thyself, you know, or so it's like, you have to know who you are, you have to know where you're coming from, you have to know what is guiding you and everything. If you don't know yourself, like you don't know, others, you can't lead have to come from that place. So how do you figure out your core values, there's a number of ways you can sit down, you can write down the greatest lessons that have been taught to you, you know, by your father by others, you can also write down the worst lessons that have ever been taught to you and everything and the examples and then like the things that you say, Oh, I'm going to do the opposite of and they can start to inform you of, you know, those core values. That particular one was taught to me by Dave Tate, right? We were at a two brain seminar years and years ago, when he talked about that just sitting down writing down the five best and the five worst lessons that were ever taught to you, and then examining those and distilling down core values from there.

Dan Uyemura  8:32 
I have a quick question regarding core values, because I went through this exercise with my team maybe 18 months ago now. And the first pass through everyone I feel does the same thing. We did this. And it's like, what are your core values? And it was funny, because we were talking earlier, you kind of rattled off the things that we did honesty, integrity, and being a good person, but then I felt like they were pretty shallow. Because I feel like it's their cliche, right? Like, everyone wants to be honest, everyone wants to be a good person. How if I'm going through the exercise of doing my core values? How would I do it? If I'm a gym right now? And I'm like, Okay, I'm gonna establish my core values. How do you suggest someone does it in a way that actually really resonates with them? That's more because it's really easy to say like, honesty, integrity, those things. And it's a shallow core value. Yeah, right.

Josh Price  9:20 
Yeah. So it's the story, right? It's when you say integrity is my core value. But then you relate it back to the fact that your grandfather was a tire salesman, and he always treated people with the utmost respect. And people came to him and bought tires from him for over 40 years because of who he was.

Dan Uyemura  9:42 
I love it.

Josh Price  9:42 
Yeah. And even when his prices were more expensive, or whatever else, right, so you have that story that connects it. And then you can say in your own life, right that you have acted within that integrity.

Dan Uyemura  9:56 
Yeah, and let me let me tell you guys why that's super important because these people values are not only I mean, it is for you. It's a guiding light for you, but it's more so for your team. And it could even be for your customers, and nobody will really, it's that it's exactly what you said, it's the story because nobody will attach to honesty. But somebody will attach to be like grandpa, and then you tell the story. My grandpa was the you know, most honest man, these are the things that he did, this is what proved his honesty, etc. And they will attach to the story and that that just goes right along lines with marketing, right? It's all about the story that you're telling not the actual words on the paper. So I love that.

Josh Price  10:36 
Yeah, like teamwork. Why is teamwork so big to me, because I was the kid that felt left out. You know, I wasn't super athletic, and everything until I really got into high school and everyday. And still, I was still just, you know, just a benchwarmer and everything. But I was part of a team. And I was part of the Boy Scouts, and then went to college, played intramural rugby, and really enjoyed that and then went into the army and was part of a team. Right.

Dan Uyemura  11:05 
And so amazing story that I, I don't know if you heard me say right means only that. But like, instead of like, if I was a gym owner, and I'm thinking teamwork is going to be my core value, given what you just said, make your core value more appealing, like, what can be the core value around that?

Josh Price  11:21 
Yeah, yeah. Yeah. What's the story around it and everything else? So if you go through a list, if you're going through your whole team, and you're write then your top five core values, write down the story right next to it, that tells me why and you'll cut through, you know, 50%, right then because they don't have a story that go with them.

Dan Uyemura  11:38 
I guess that's really it. It's like, list down the things that are important to you. And they're always going to be words like honesty, integrity, teamwork, then you define the what, what it means to you, and why it's important to bring that forth in your business. That's actually a really succinct and beautiful way of building core values. I wish I had that advice 18 months ago?

Josh Price  11:56 
Yep. Well, you can always go and look at them now and say...

Dan Uyemura  11:59 
I love our core value, we ended up doing essentially that, but it just took us a long time to actually figure out, it was more about the story of why as opposed to the words of what we want to do.

Josh Price  12:09 
Yeah. And I think so then we, when we get into like vision and mission and everything, that that's kind of more of that story and everything. So like, the vision to me really is the why, you know, we've kind of got the North Star and everything and the the principles on which we're going to build the business on we're going to build it on integrity because of grandpa being a great tire salesman, and we're gonna build it on teamwork, because of the feeling of belonging, and everything. But then that vision becomes that next piece of like, you know, why are we doing this? Why are we starting a gym, and you know, a lot of people, I remember back when I started eight years ago, it was like, I found something so special and so unique. And it was called CrossFit. And within that there was this tagline, and it was forging elite fitness. And that line right there is so beautiful and so powerful. And it connects to so many things. Because we found a kernel of truth with CrossFit of like, this really can give you a an elite fitness This can take you from whatever you were to, you know the hopper model of reaching in and pulling out and knowing that you would be able to do anything and knowing that you everybody around you, you could connect to such a deeper way to go on a hike, or lift a barbell, or do anything that you want to travel across the world because you knew that you had that power within you now because of what you put yourself through on a daily basis and the way that it trains you in functional fitness. And we had that story, right. And we have it still we still have that story today. We just got to tell it right. So it launched us on this vision quest of bringing that to more people, right? And we started handling the objections of hurt people getting hurt or anything else or this isn't for me, but no, it is for you. And I can show you and I can tell you the story. So it launched us on that vision on that on that purpose. Right. So like for us like I said the vision has always been really really clear, to raise the fitness and the health in Leesburg, Virginia, we're not going outside of Leesburg, Virginia. We're not trying anything else. We're, that is our community. That's our four walls. That's our Bastion that we're putting up around is hey, this is who we're helping this as you're saving. Right?

Dan Uyemura  14:26 
So we got core values, which is kind of your internal, I guess, compass, if you will, you've got a vision, which is your big, big why, why you're doing what you're doing, and then where does mission fit into that.

Josh Price  14:39 
So now mission is really how for me, how are we doing this? And this isn't something that I generally share out to the world because it's not sexy. It's not whatever, it's just like, Okay, how are we doing this within Leesburg? What's our goal here within you know, back then three years and it was like the first mission was get to 200 clients. That simple, you know, first time brand new gym owner, got a vision, got a purpose, knows his values, and I'm first mission is within three years I want to get to 200 people.

Dan Uyemura  15:14 
Do you consider the mission just to be something that should be measurable and objective?

Josh Price  15:18 
I do, I really do. And now that I've been around a lot longer than everything, I actually like a little bit more detail that I remember that being my first mission getting to 200 people.

Dan Uyemura  15:29 
So if you were to redo this now you can go back in time and talk to 10 years, eight years ago, Josh, what do you think of better mission would be, the mission would probably be more around, like, get to 200 people with, you know, a $300 average revenue per month, that's producing, you know, a sustainable income for coaches that are delivering coaching in an XYZ manner. Right, I would detail that out a little bit more now than that I would. In fact, I mean, the book that I love on this, and everything is Cameron Herold's Vivid Vision. So he equates it to vision, I'm equating it to mission, which, for anybody listening, these things are like used interchangeably all over the place. So this is how I use the definitions, but I love his because he is like, spell this out to the nth degree that you can, that lets people know exactly what you're trying to do.

Right. And the key thing to this when you're building a mission, is you want to make sure that it is completely focused on on your vision. Right. So if your vision is to change the health in your community for the better. I mean, you might even say like, what does that mean? That means I have I'm retaining clients I have I have this many, you know, this may percentage of clients over 12 months, I've helped people, you know, with debilitating injury or get off medicines, like you might have to put you know, I've helped 12 people do this, whatever it might be, but it's completely in line with where your mission is going. Yep. Yep, make sure there's alignment. Let's, let's talk about that word, real quick alignment. Why is alignment, critical?

Josh Price  17:02 
Alignment is critical, because the thing that I tell clients a lot when I get on the on calls with them, and everything is like I want to make a million dollars, right? And your core values like integrity and everything, well, that automatically rules out selling cocaine. You may want to do it and everything, but it's out of alignment with your integrity of selling cocaine or because fitness is something very important to you. The other reason a lot of times is because a lot of things can be distractions, and they don't necessarily like let's say we really wanted to get into worldwide online coaching. Well, that's out of alignment with Leesburg, right? So then it really takes us out of what we're trying to do and where we're trying to accomplish it and becomes a distraction. Like, if everybody's like, oh, there's no 100 million people out there that we could serve, then they're not paying attention to what we came to do with the health in our, our city in our community.

Dan Uyemura  18:01 
Right. And let's speak to maybe the army analogy or a big team, if you're publishing because again, the point of these core values, missions and visions, they are for you, but more importantly for their for your team. Right? If you are either acting out of alignment, or putting out visions and core values that are in disalignment, your team will have no idea where to go. Right. Yep, it would be akin to being on a I don't know, an Olympic rowboat and just chanting out random row strokes to your team, right?

Josh Price  18:34 
Yeah, yeah, 100%. Especially like, you know what you're talking about right now with me moving 1000 miles away. If it's not in alignment, if it's not continuously consistent, then everybody starts making up their own stories. You know, that's something that has happened in my gym, anybody's might be watching, I'm fighting the sun over here. So figure out my way around this thing. But once you get that consistency, like this is what we're doing. This is who we're looking after, this is what we're trying to do. This is the mission over the next three years, it becomes so apparent, so clear that everybody knows how to act. Everybody knows like, Hey, this is how we do marketing. We tell stories of our people, right? Like you said that here's the bell stories. Here's the fitness stories you know how to sell. We don't use high pressure tactics we come in and we use a very prescriptive model. When we're in class, like, what do we do we teach in a very certain way, it's scripted out template, it's not necessarily scripted out of how we run a perfect class so that we deliver every single time and the coaches can come in and do that and know exactly what's demanded of them and the direction that we're going, right.

Dan Uyemura  19:47 
Absolutely. Let's dive down this direction because again, the purpose you're setting all these things up, will help you as a gym owner, keep probably the main way it'll help you is to keep shiny object syndrome. Hopefully out of The equation that keeping you focused, but where you start to get orders of magnitude of return on it is when you start hiring coaches or helpers at your gym to start taking things off your plate, and produce, hopefully a great experience for your gym members in your stead. Right? Yep. So let's talk about that process. Like for large gym owners out there, they might be doing, I'm actually mentoring or doing a book club with a bunch of gym owners right now. And most of them are individual, like they do everything themselves. And my conversation with them right now is like, let's find you some help. How does somebody like that, begin the process of hiring your first employee?

Josh Price  20:39 
Yeah, so this is something that we teach in Two Brain and everything, but the first thing to do is actually tuck yourself away, I would recommend a weekend or maybe a long weekend, four days and write down every single rolling task that you need done in the gym, or that is being done. So you can take a look back at your last two weeks and say there's this many classes and I coach them, I had to do some admin work, what is that detail it out? I had to do marketing? Well, what was that detail it out? Right? So that's where it starts is in that roles and tasks, you know, come up with cleaner, coach, you know, CEO, marketer or whatever, right? And write down exactly what you're doing. From there, once you have that, and it's super clear, you can basically look at it and say, okay, well, what's taking up the most time, what's the lowest hanging fruit to buy back my time. And one of those is generally cleaner. You know, there's very, very, very few gym owners, but we have had some, that are like, no, I need to continue to clean my gym, I have a level of expectation and cleaning that I want to continue to meet qnd for those who like cool, we'll find something else. But for most people, that's one of the first ones right, and I can buy you six hours back. Once we have those six hours back, we can look at well, how is that time best used, right. And then one of the biggest low hanging fruits is obviously coaching, we can hire coaches, they can fulfill group classes, they can take a lot of time off of our plates. So that's when we get into Okay, the role is coaching, we're going to buy back 20 hours, 30 hours of our time per week. Now we have to write down the SOP of what does the coach to and how did they deliver it? Right? So how does it coach deliver a class? Is there anything else that they need to be doing? Right, and the big thing here that I tell everybody is like, like, don't dump everything on these people, right? Because you're gonna have to go through a training process. I know, we'll talk about training process in just a second. But like, the first thing that you want them to do is just be able to coach. So just teach them how to be able to coach and out of being a coach, the first thing that you really want them to do is like just be able to run a class. And to me, sometimes I see this a lot gym owners want this person to be able to teach a squat exactly like them or teach a press or whatever. And it's like to buy you time, you don't even need that right away. What you need is just somebody who really can time manage through class can be a pretty good motivator and cheerleader. And over time, you can teach them how to be a better and better and better coach to pick up on all those things. But I see people do six months, nine month internship processes for somebody that you're going to give a free membership or you're going to pay them 15 bucks an hour. I'm like, that's insane, right? In two to three weeks, you can have them run a class and then teach them over time.

Dan Uyemura  23:42 
Yep. So I want to talk about two things when like, let's talk about hiring a coach. The first thing I want to talk about is, how detailed of an SOP do you need? And how does one come up with a criteria? Like how do you find the right coach, and make sure they're doing the right things? I have my own opinions on this. I'm just curious what you think.

Josh Price  24:00 
So number one, it matters to the business model. If we're talking like a boutique, PT gym, that's high value, and there is like a level of coach that we need to have. That's going to be a little bit of a different coaching model than the general gym or a gym that's got 500 members and it's more of like churning people in and out and we're not spending a lot of time in any type of one on one. So for talking about that we just need kind of a body or you know, you've got a gym owner who's just so overwhelmed that they need a body in place, then you know, the SOP just needs to be like okay, how do you run a class from top down like okay, here's exactly when we start the class from this time to this time, you're going to go over the whiteboard, you're gonna explain it from this time to this time you're going to coach movement. From here to here, you're going to motivate the entire time versus you know, a high end PT boutique studio who like you probably as you're probably not hiring within, you're probably putting together a really good ad to attract a personal trainer who's been in the business for a while. And you want to know that what credentials they have, how long experience they have, and all that.

Dan Uyemura  25:12 
So I feel like most our target market PushPress clients, Two Brain clients, they lie in the middle there, they're not on either end of that spectrum. So one of them is like an F45, or orangetheory. They're just hiring motivators and, and goat herders really is what it is. And the other end, obviously, a super high end private training base, probably dealing with people with occupational therapy issues or whatever. In the middle is a group fitness class run by a coach whose knowledge, generally knowledgeable, right? And so to me, it's like this gray zone in between where you need somebody with some knowledge. But ideally, like you said, the quicker you can get them in to buy back your time, the better. So like, where does that? Where do you think that means?

Josh Price  25:52 
Yeah, it's funny to say and everything, but a bunch of us started with an L1 and that was a two day weekend course. You know, so like, if they've been in your gym, and you're hiring, and they understand, you know, your vision, they understand how to run a class and everything. I really think a three to four week process or two to four week process is enough to get them.

Dan Uyemura  26:12 
It's funny, how many of us out there think that like you said, we went through a weekend course to start our business. And then we think someone needs to go through a nine month course with us to have an intern, coach, right? That's pretty ludicrous, right? But if you can name me the top three criterias for hiring a coach, what would you say they are.

Josh Price  26:29 
Number one is  personality. For me. 100% personality, like your ability to just connect with clients is so so important, you'll see a change in your retention overnight. If you get really personable coaches. Number two is time management. I want to coach that can stay on task and move people take the class and get them in, get them out. And then number three is at that point is probably knowledge. And that's something that we're going to work on.Yeah.

Dan Uyemura  26:58 
Yeah. That's awesome. That's that's basically my three, two. The first one I call charisma, though. That's what I label it as it's just when people come in, they have to feel good about being around you. You know, like, there's some people who just don't know why they just lack charisma, and you kind of get a weird feeling around them, or they don't ever make you feel good, right? Like the primary objective of a coach is to make someone feel good for whatever. Yeah. Yeah.

Josh Price  27:18 
So people ask me, like, what makes a great coach? And I'm like, it's one thing. It's one thing to me is a great coach. And that's overcoming objections or objection handling, right? You have to do it in so many things. When you're teaching a squat to somebody, you have to overcome objections like, Oh, I can't move that way or I can't do it like that, or whatever, right? Somebody isn't showing up for class. You have to overcome objections, you know, you're wanting to sell them PT, you have to overcome objections, you know, they want to quit because the COVID. And yet it's the worst idea in the world, because we need to keep them healthy throughout. We've got to overcome objections, right. So it's like your ability, like to become a great coach to become one of the best and everything was how is somebody worth $1,000 or $3000 or $6000 a month, it's their ability to overcome objections and get somebody to take action to remain compliant, no matter what. And that's probably the biggest thing that we work on at LoCo, you know, my head coach, he doesn't lose clients. He doesn't lose clients. He's had the same PT clients now for goodness gracious, like five or six years. Why is he just keeps them compliant, it keeps them coming. And the number one thing is rapport, his ability to just connect with them and be able to say what he needs to say to them. So they hear it all the time. You're right, Keith. All right. See you Wednesday.

Dan Uyemura  28:46 
All right, cool. So last topic we're going to talk about today and maybe we'll get a bonus topic in about the partners is training employees. And this is something that, again, PushPress has kind of has been going through this process for the last year. And it's something that's near and dear to my heart, and it's something that I'm trying to work with this book club that I'm working with, we're working on process building ourselves. So how do you take an employee and give them the two or three week crash course on how to run a class and then really make sure that they're delivering the best product, per your discretion, whatever you feel the best product is from 1000 miles away?

Josh Price  29:24 
Yeah. So this kind of goes back to my army days and everything. And it's like, you have to understand, if you're starting with raw material, it takes longer, but we're generally not starting with raw material. We're starting with somebody who's been at the gym, maybe for six months, maybe a year, two years, whatever, who says I want to be a coach or we're hiring, you know, expertise from outside. So in a sense, like they need to know how to squat and you know, how to press and all that like we call them warrior tasks and drills like I know how to shoot and know how to move and know how to communicate, I can run them physically fit. I've got those pieces down. So now What do we need to really teach him? I need to teach him all the finer points of the squat? No, it goes back to that SOP, right, and whatever is the number one priority, let's say, you know, the number one priority is delivering class. That's the thing that I'm going to push on the hardest and everything. So let's say for my coaches, I think we have maybe three tasks. And that's it, right. And that's another thing. People overwhelm people with tasks, here's the 180 items that you need to do to be a coach at my gym. Wrong, I need to do three things, I need you to number one, coach class; number two, check the bathroom when it's done, number three, lock up the building if you're the last one there, right? Those are the three things that need as a coach says other tasks or other people. So quit overwhelming people with bullshit tasks. So that's number one. Number two is like okay, that number one task is the most important thing. So we're going to train them until they're getting it right. So the first thing that might look like is training, just the head coach like walking through the SOP. Okay, here's today's standard and everything, and we're gonna coach that just to the head coach, and we're gonna run through that one two times, and they're, they're hitting it, they're nailing it. So then we're gonna put them in a in a live class, where they're gonna do it shadowing, or whatever you know, with the coach. And then we're gonna finally give it to them on their own. The way I do this is just like the army, you do it daily, with somebody watching you, until you can do it by yourself, once you prove it, let's say is three days, four days in a row, you've done it, you hit all the points of performance that are spelled out in that SOP. Now I'm going to check on you weekly, right? So now I come back, I don't even tell you, it's Wednesday, I just dropped into your class, I got my eval that's based right off the SOP. Nothing crazy, nothing changes. And I see, okay, you hit all the points of performance. I'm coming back the next week, randomly on a Friday, right? People slack off on a Friday. So now I'm going to check, you had everything. Now you've earned the right, from daily to weekly to monthly. So I'm just gonna randomly drop in monthly. And then finally, quarterly, at quarterly, like, you're trained. Now, I'm just giving you your eval off of that one time and everything. And I can always back up, if you screw up, and I'm like, Ooh, that was pretty bad screw up, I need to go back and check in weekly, right? And that's why like, eventually you have a head coach, do that. Right? You eventually have maybe a team leader, coach do that. And that's where you're talking about, like being a force multiplier, because gym owners out there right now are like, Oh, my God, I don't have time to do that. But the thing is, is you do you need to make sure and that short interim for that three month, four month period that it takes you to hand that off, and then that person can become the person that trains the next person you don't have to worry about that yet.

Dan Uyemura  32:53 
So one huge thing I actually wanted, I wanted to touch on earlier and I forgot and us reminded me, I'm an owner, I see this happen all the time in gyms. Like, I hire a front desk person, and I hire a cleaning crew and I hire my first coach. And I've never effectively saved myself 15 hours a week. And what do I do? I go in the gym and I bullshit with members and I squat for an extra hour a day. And I you know, just hang out and roll out on the floor. And I do nothing with that time. And nothing pisses me off more than watching that, like you just bought back all this time. Yep. And you've done nothing with it. So if you've hired a coach that's training to become take all those hours off your thing, you have time to audit their class. Yes, like straight up, they just took that time off your plate, you have that time to get back into investing to make sure that they're leading a great class, right? Yep. Okay, so real quick, I had to get it off my chest. That was something about earlier. So let's actually make this little concrete in the eyes of a gym owner, an SOP for a class, can you just like off the top of your head just like drop some bullet points that will be on that? Because right now is just an abstract thing?

Josh Price  33:57 
Yeah, yeah, I kind of did a little bit earlier. But it's like, 00:00 start the class whiteboard, then 00:00-:05 whiteboard introduction, announcements, 00:05-20:00 coach movements of the day or coach hardest movement or whatever, you know, 20:00-40:00 could be something like provide motivation, make sure that you spend at least one minute per client or whatever, giving them one on one, coaching and feedback. Where am I at 40:00-50:00 cool down, group up powwow talk about the WOD talk about those things like it can be kind of that, that simple when we're just talking about an SOP for a class, you know, like it doesn't necessarily need to be a lot more instruction in that SOP. And that's exactly what we're looking at, on on our eval is did you hit all of those points of performance and then maybe there part of it like we talked about charisma, personality, how is your charisma in each area? Right? Because that's another thing, like, when we're talking about charisma is like, people come in fired up, Hey, welcome to class, blah, blah, blah. And then they get into that. And now we're gonna send our heads back. But stout is like, No, you got to keep that charisma all 60 minutes, like, you got to keep it high, you got to make it fun, you know, for them. So that can be a checkmark in every single part of the class. Right on.

Dan Uyemura  35:31 
Cool. All right, let's talk about this partners thing as a little bonus discussion, I've always maintained and we see it written all over gym owner forums that like partners suck and I'll never do a partnership again. And I I've never really told people you know, I've never been one to tell people they should do it one way or the other. I've always had partners that all my business, and I completely flamed one out if anyone knows my history, like my first gym, I flamed out, it was my fault, flamed out the partnership because I made some bad moves. And I learned from it. But that didn't make me say never have a partnership. Right? You mentioned your pro partnerships. And I'm curious, like, can you dive into that a little bit?

Josh Price  36:08 
Yeah, absolutely. So the thing that I see that ruins partnerships and everything, like man, I talked a lot of roles and tasks today, which is not really what I thought I was going to talk about. But that's okay. Because roles and tasks are really it like even in partnerships and everything, you've got to clearly define the roles, hey, this is what I'm going to do for the business, this is what you're going to do for the business, are not going to do the exact same things and everything and when you give everybody their lane and what they're sticking on. And that number one can clear up a lot of things. The other thing is going back to vision that can mess things up this one, the two people either don't have the same vision for ultimately what they're trying to accomplish, or they don't agree on how it needs to be done. All right. So like in partnerships, I'm always, not always but I'm generally looking for a partner that is not going to challenge me in vision. Like I'm the Chief Vision Officer of what we're going to do I want and my partnerships. I want operational guys, I want guys that when I can tell them why we're doing it and what we're doing, they can figure out how, and I will be equal partners in that if they will help you know that if they'll come in and help me. And there's a lot of people out there that are not visionaries and everything, but they are great on the how, and they will get you there a lot faster. If you'll let them. Yes. Oh, yeah, just know your role. Stay in that role. Don't step in, don't fight over those things. You know, it's definitely an army thing, again, that taught me that like, stay in your lane, you know, shoot only targets that are coming down your lane of fire, don't worry about that you, you have to trust, you know, trust is probably a larger value than I think about sometimes because for me, it's second nature now to just trust that you're doing what you've said that you're gonna do.

Dan Uyemura  37:58 
Yeah. And I guess just like a marriage is all about picking your battles. You know, I mean, like, not every decision that everyone makes is going to be favorable to how you see it. But for the greater good of the vision and the court and the mission that you're on. Like you were just have to be okay with it. Yeah, fight over every little thing, like it's going to be a miserable experience.

Josh Price  38:17 
Yeah, absolutely. And that's why vision mission matters so much and to agree on it. Because then like you can easily examine Well, does that align with our vision? Does that align with our mission? If it doesn't, and everything, then it's just gone. Like, it doesn't matter how great of an idea it was, it's just gone. Because it's out of alignment, you know, and when you can agree on those types of things that it makes it a lot easier to run a partnership and to have a partnership. And then like I said, like, I can't imagine having two visionaries. Just don't do that. Don't do that to yourself, go get somebody who complements you, you know, doesn't bring the the exact same things.

Dan Uyemura  38:54 
Yeah. And you know what this goes back knowing thyself, like I'm a visionary. I'm a true entrepreneur. I like getting flywheel started, I'm not so good at keeping them going. Yeah. And so I'm probably very much like with you, you know, and luckily, my business partners, generally speaking, they let me have all my visionary moments. Sometimes I know, they're thinking like, here he goes again with another idea. Yeah. And they just play along. And sometimes they let it grasp, but we all work together very well. And that's kind of the key, like you have to know what you bring to the table and what you need. And just be very clear with people. Like I don't need another vision.

Josh Price  39:27 
Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. And if you have a bunch of visions, write them all down and get to them once you accomplish this one or you get to that that exit point like with loco, how did I know it's time to become a Two Brain mentor because LoCo was doing exactly what it was supposed to do. I had a GM that was running it operationally exactly how I wanted it. It's been that way now for two years since I left. Three years since I became a mentor Two Brain I've really installed you know, leadership and everything else. It's down to I'd say kind of an art and everything of just training these guys and talking to them and making sure that I'm making them the best mentors that they can be. And then I just started a new business everything called the Brotherhood of Fatherhood, where we're helping married men become better husband.

Dan Uyemura  40:13 
Is that you?

Josh Price  40:14 

Dan Uyemura  40:14 
I did not know that was you, we could have talked about that, too. Yeah. That's awesome. Cool. Well, hey, man, I appreciate the discussion. We went a little bit over in time, Ashley gonna be mad at me, that's supposed to be shorter, but there was just so much to talk about and it was very good conversation. So I apologize for going over on the schedule. And I thank you for your time and hopefully we can catch back up and wrapping in this is really cool.

Josh Price  40:36 
Absolutely. Thanks, man. I had a had a blast.

Dan Uyemura  40:39 
Yeah. Thanks, Josh.